Green Statement
Futurplast and its employees take great pride in acting responsibly toward the environment.
Did you know that Futurplast recycles
- 99% of all acrylic and polycarbonate products that do not conform to quality standards.
- 99% of all acrylic and polycarbonate products that do not meet quality standards.
- 95% of all water used in its extrusion process.
- 98% of all discarded cartons and paper.
- 100% of all resin Gaylords.
- 90% of all discarded office paper.
- 100% of discarded steel.
- 100% of all used lubricants.
As you can see, Futurplast is very eco-conscious. The production process creates zero emissions and uses almost no chemicals.
We recently implemented a “paperless” policy, whereby we strive to be as paperless as possible.
Our business model of distributing our products through 7 distribution centers coast to coast also reduces carbon emissions. These centers reduce the mileage travelled for delivery of individual orders, resulting in less CO2 being emitted.
We can assure you that, going forward, Futurplast and its employees will continue to be environmentally friendly. We promise that we will work to improve our green policy even further.
For a greener future, think Futurplast.